Looking to hire a portable urinal in Gaborone, Botswana? Look no further. Leaf Environmental Solutions not only has the best portable urinals on offer, but we offer the best possible service and pricing. We have various options available to suit your budget and your needs. Need more info about our toilets for rent? No problem – get in touch with us and we’ll assist you.

- No more queues
- 4 Urinals grouped together
- We deliver and collect
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Terms And Conditions
- Rates are based on rendering of service during standard operating times: 7.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 11:30am on a Saturday. The office is closed on Sundays and public holidays. There is no one present to take telephone calls before or after hours. Should deliveries be required outside of these times (taking travelling time into account), an additional charge will be levied to cover overtime and/or living out allowances. The price has been factored in to include your services and distance to be travelled, should you wish to change any detail, please note that an additional cost may be levied.
- Any order paid for and not cancelled within 5 working days will not be refunded. All cancelations must be in writing.
- To cancel a contract or permanent service, please ensure it is in writing and will take 48 hours to action. On receipt of any cancellation we are bound to notify Gaborone City Council of this cancellation.
- For non-account holders, all orders must be paid for a minimum of 36 hours in advance prior to the required delivery date.
- No payments must be made directly to drivers. Please ensure that you are issued with a standard computer generated (Pastel) receipt.
- Delivery and collection times cannot be guaranteed.
- Clients are fully responsible for all equipment once it has been delivered; this includes but is not limited to theft, acts of God, breakages, graffiti and fire.
- All equipment and services should be signed for by the customer or a representative of the customer. It is vitally important that the delivery team have contactable cell numbers to ensure that they can contact you. Should our team arrive to deliver, service or collect equipment and there is no-one to sign for / receive the equipment, our team will return and all fees will be levied, including those needed to return to site.
- We offer two rates of hire, temporary rates are for a period of up to one week and that does not require any service. Permanent rates are for any time over one week.
- Portable toilets are supplied with 1 x 1ply toilet paper. Each time a service is conducted a new toilet roll is provided.
- VIP toilets are supplied with one toilet roll, 2000 paper hand towels and 1 x 250ml of hand soap.
- Should you require additional consumables, these should be organised and paid for at the time of placing your order.
- Transport is calculated as distance to the venue to deliver the item, return trip back to the office, distance to the venue to collect the item, return trip back to the office.
- On all temporary hire outside of Gaborone, a P500.00 deposit (in addition to the transport price), will be levied. Once the correct distance has been confirmed and charged for, the difference of the P500.00 deposit, or part of it, will be returned via cash, cheque or a deposit into your bank account, if applicable.
- Equipment will be tested once delivered on site and will then be deemed to be in working order.
- Equipment once delivered becomes the sole responsibility of the client. Any damage, graffiti or theft by any means whatsoever will be for the client’s account.
- No cheques will be accepted for temporary hire. We welcome payment by cash, EFT, debit, or credit card.
- To ensure that we can uphold our service standard, please note that a minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for all toilet and skip deliveries.
- Skip & toilet services need to be arranged 48 hours in advance
- Portable toilets are rented out under the agreement that they are serviced at least once a week. If the client does not contact Leaf Environmental Solutions to organise this service, the standard once a week service charge will be levied.
- Skips are rented out under the agreement that they are serviced at least once a month. If the client does not contact Leaf Environmental Solutions to organise this service, the standard once a month service charge will be levied.
- Quotes are valid for a 30 day period from date on the quote.